Deposit options or deposits for a specific asset may be unavailable on your account for a number of reasons:
- You may still need to complete some account verification requirements before deposits can be enabled on your account;
- Deposits may be temporarily disabled for a specific asset only (not all assets). This could be because:
- the asset is still in the process of being listed;
- there is a problem with the specific asset or it's deposit function;
- the asset may not have a listed market and is a withdrawal only asset;
- the asset is in the process of undergoing a major change/event (e.g. a hard fork); or
- the asset has been delisted.
In all of the scenarios above, we will advise customers of any planned or unplanned outages via our weekly email newsletter, blog page and/or our Twitter channel; and
- Deposits may be temporarily disabled for all assets or deposit types. This could be due to a number of reasons:
- there is a problem with the deposit feature; or
- the deposit option is in the process of undergoing a major change.
As with the disabled deposits for a specific asset, in the event of any of the scenarios above, we will advise customers of any planned or unplanned outages via our weekly email newsletter, blog page and/or our Twitter channel as well as the BTC Markets status page.
If you have any other questions or issues with the deposits feature on your account, please see our other deposit help articles, or raise a ticket with our support team.