To update your email address on your account, please complete the following steps:
1. Log in to your BTC Markets account.
2. Ensure you have activated Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on your account - you must have 2FA enabled to change your email address (for a step-by-step guide on how to set up 2FA, please see our help article: Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Set-up Guide).
3. Click on the tab at the top of the page ‘Account,’ then click on the sub tab called ‘profile.’
4. Enter your new email address (ensure no characters from your old email address remain), and enter the 2FA code for your BTC Markets account from the google authenticator app on your mobile device and press the “Send” button.
5. If your email address has been successfully changed, a green box will appear stating ‘Email successfully updated’.
You may also like to update your username on your account.
Please note: your username must between 8-32 characters, and may contain lowercase characters, numbers, hypens (-) and underscores (_), but not '@' or '.' symbols. We no longer support email addresses as the username for security reasons.. You can only change your username once every 7 days.
your username can be updated on the same screen via the following steps:
1. Enter your new username, ensuring your previous one was removed completely, and enter your 2FA code for your BTC Markets account from the google authenticator app on your mobile device and press the “Send” button.
2. If the username is valid and meets the criteria (in red) a green box will appear stating ‘Username successfully updated.’
If you experience any issues or feedback, please raise a ticket and a member of our support team will be in contact Submit a request – BTC Markets.